IPhone 12 Pro Max Battery Replacement

79.00$ CAD

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Available across Canada

We can replace the battery of your iPhone 12 Pro Max in Montréal.

New product

Data sheet

Warranty1 year
Repair time1h30
Need a reservationYes



Super réparation

Je sollicite beaucoup mon 12 pro max avec mon travail, j'avais donc besoin d'une nouvelle batterie. Thomas me l'a changé, ma capacité maximale est revenue à 100$ ! Un gros merci

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    IPhone 12 Pro Max Battery Replacement

    IPhone 12 Pro Max Battery Replacement

    We can replace the battery of your iPhone 12 Pro Max in Montréal.

    We Buyback Devices!

    Bring your old device when you come in for a repair and get an extra 10% bonus on its trade-in value! Use our free online tool to get the buyback price immediately !

    If the repair cost is too high, we can also offer you a buyback option

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